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Free tools

contain most of the tools & menus that were available as freeware in the past.


is meant to be a more fair approach to all registered users and the few guys who donated some money to the VectorBits cause. Access to new plugins and scripts in this zone is gained when you buy any plugin or make a donation.

VectorBits Plugins

are what I consider my best bits of code, with prices ranging from 20 to 30 Euros.

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How to order from VectorBits

The complete payment in this site is handled by PayPal. (an eBay company)
Paypal accepts all major forms of payment, including credit cards, bank transfers, debit cards, and eChecks.
No matter witch currency you select to use, your credit card will be debited with the equivalent amount in EURO.
After a successful payment, your purchase will be sent to you manually via email, after Paypal notifies your order to VectorBits.

If you o not get any email after 24 hours and you are sure the payment is cleared (PayPal will hold the money for a few days if you have paid via eCheck or bank transfer), please contact me at vectorbits@gmail.com

Manuel Garcia de Paredes


